In-Home Recovery Pilot

We advocate for family and cultural preservation by implementing a new in-home treatment pilot that aims to keep infants and children at home while parents engage in trauma and attachment focused programming.

Our two teams are trained in the Family Based Recovery model by Yale. The objective is to reduce out-of-home placements when parental substance use is the primary concern, thereby also reducing racial disparities in out-of-home placement. It is important to address the historical and ongoing effects of systemic oppression, and this pilot aims to prevent child removal and limit the trauma-inducing nature of child welfare involvement.

Currently, only families with active CPS cases are eligible. If a family with an open case is interested in participating, a request needs to be made to the family’s child protection worker.

More can be read about the research at

Also read more here:

More information about Family Based Recovery (FBR) here:

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