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We have immediate openings for Roots Recovery outpatient treatment. Make a referral today!

Comprehensive Assessments by appointment only.


Our mission is to expose the systemic nature of trauma and oppression, and empower the liberation of the bodies, minds, and spirits of those in our community through holistic, cultural, somatic, and systematic support.  


Healing comes when we connect to dismantle the social, educational, cultural, oppression forced knowingly upon all of us by systems of domination. We envision a healed world where our minds, souls, bodies and DNA have been eradicated of social, racial, economic, cultural oppression for ourselves and future generations. We envision a world where people are safe in their nervous systems and bodies. 

Some individuals have a difficult time living full lives, and families have a hard time parenting due to psychosocial barriers.

We are accepting new referrals for all services, including Roots Recovery Outpatient Treatment. We provide both in-home and virtual services.

Our professional training catalog provides you with cutting-edge information and education from leading industry experts.

Watch our staff explain what our organizational mission means to them.

Supporting the right and need to be a part of a community is a critical component of social justice. Minnesota CarePartner and Roots Recovery Outpatient Treatment is a social-justice-based agency that provides quality and culturally responsive mental health services in the community and the home. Our goal is to help individuals and families live holistic lives by identifying and building upon inherent cultural strengths and addressing social barriers.

Minnesota CarePartner/Roots Recovery is now Roots Wellness Center