Course Snapshot
What does a police-free world look like? What does a prison-free world look like? This course will explore these questions and the abolition movement generally.
Course Objectives
1) Learn about the abolition movement
2) Imagine reform in a police-free and prison-free world
3) Learn about current abolitionist activities
4) Learn how to apply to current practice to impact the systems that harm our clients
About the Presenter
Jason Marque Sole (he, him, his) is a formerly incarcerated abolitionist. He has been a criminal justice educator for over 11 years and is currently an adjunct professor at Hamline University in the Criminal Justice and Forensic Science Department. He has been a national restorative justice trainer since 2008, leading circles in jails, prisons, and community. In 2019, he received the John Legend “Can’t Just Preach” award for his work to abolish prisons. In addition, Jason is the co-founder of the Humanize My Hoodie Movement in which he challenges threat perceptions about Black people through clothing, art exhibitions, documentary screenings, and workshops.